A neutron star has such density that a teaspoonful of its matter would weigh more than all the people on Earth. Submitted by: Nicci - Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States
Even though it is closest to the Sun, Mercury has ice in its craters.
Due to its size, Pluto's moon Charon is also considered to be a double dwarf planet (two planets orbiting each other), rather than a moon orbiting its planet.
Jupiter is so big that twice the mass of the rest of our Solar System's planets combined would still not be enough to equal its mass.sciensational.com
Made up of billions of pieces of ice, the average thickness of each of Saturn's seven giant rings only ranges from about 200 to 3000 metres.
The deepest surface point on Mars is Hellas, about 3 km deep.
Pluto is no longer considered a planet. It is now known as a "Dwarf Planet". The full Moon always rises at sunset and sets at sunrise.
About 1000 Earths would fit inside Jupiter - and the Sun could hold about 1000 Jupiters.sciensational.com
Voyager 1 spacecraft is the farthest human-made object in the universe. Submitted by: Hades - Milledgeville, Georgia, United States The speed of light - 299 million metres a second - would still take about 26 billion years to reach one end of the visible universe to the other. Submitted by: Jay - United States
Our sky is blue because when sunlight collides with our atmosphere, colours of the shortest wavelengths (violet and blue) are scattered - and our eyes are more sensitive to see blue. Submitted by: K - New York, United States
One of Jupiter's moons is believed to grow and shrink because of the water beneath its frozen surface. Submitted by: Nik, India
A dwarf star is so dense that it would take 8 men to lift a teaspoon full of its matter.sciensational.com The number of neuron cells in our brain is more than the total number of stars in our galaxy.
The planet Venus has the longest day.
The Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System. Submitted by: Saphira - Lancaster, Ohio, United States
The Moon orbits the Earth every 27.32 days
Every second, the Sun pumps more than a million tons of material into the space through the solar wind (electrically charged particles.)sciensational.com
The planet Venus does not tilt as it goes around the Sun, so consequently, it has no seasons.