Babies are born with more bones than adults. Submitted by: Baily - Woodward, Oklahoma, United States
The largest single living organism in the world is the Honey Mushroom fungus in Oregon, USA (covering 8.4 km and growing for 2,400 years.)sciensational.comSubmitted by: Moushree - India
The water animal Hydra never gets old, and can live forever. Submitted by: Utkarsh - Gorakhpur, India
Alligators give birth to females in cold temperatures and to males when it's hot. Submitted by: Hunter4life56 - Fishers, Indiana, United States
A queen termite can live up to 50 years. Submitted by: PK - India
The Barbados Threadsnake is the smallest snake in the world. Submitted by: Narasimha - Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
The right half of the brain controls the left side of our body muscles, and the left controls the right.sciensational.comSubmitted by: PK - India
A kangaroo rat(genus dipodomys) can spend its entire life without drinking water. Submitted by: Mesgana Wondirad - Ethiopia
The Hairy Horror Frog(Trichobatrachus robustus) breaks its own bones to make a claw for a fight. Submitted by: Olimor Lacerna - Quezon City, Philippines
A red blood cell takes 20 seconds to circulate around the human body. Submitted by: Jalis - Karachi, Pakistan
The average speed of a sneeze is around 160 km (100 mi) per hour. Submitted by: Dhairya - United Arab Emirates
The ovum(female egg cell) is the largest cell in the human body. Submitted by: Joemari Olea - Philippines
The cause of the popping sound produced by knuckle cracking is largely a mystery. Submitted by: Ankur - Alwar, India
The length of your thumb is about the same as that of your nose. Submitted by: Vashita Dehradun - India
Red blood cells have no nucleus. Submitted by: Adarsh - Patna, India
As much as 70% oxygen in our atmosphere is produced by marine plants and algae.sciensational.comSubmitted by: Think - United States
The biomass of all bacteria on Earth is more than all the plants and animals combined. Submitted by: Bookworm - Greenbrier, Tennessee, United States
The synthetic biological cell "Synthia" is the first living organism whose parent is not a living thing but a computer. Submitted by: Hyde - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Humans share 60% of DNA with a banana. Submitted by: Grant - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States